Saturday 31 October 2009

Birthday suprise clues

Clues to Martins birthday presents - where are you btw dear?

ick ick ick

Whilst on Moonpig in the fruitless search for the perfect birthday card for Martin I found the sickliest thing:

I mean - observe. Look at the state of it. Whats wrong with this picture? Any man who thinks this is a great gift should be shot for crimes of unoriginality and being too feeble for words. I hate hearts, pink and red roses and this montrosity of all of these at once is offensive to me. I think yellow roses are so much nicer. Rant over - thank you very much for your time

This on the other hand is a lot better:

Friday 30 October 2009

Martins Birthday

Off to buy Martin's birthday present - a collection of very odd things!
Clues will appear soon.

Thursday 29 October 2009

Poppy appeal 2009

Wear one please:

The souplist

Inspired by my last post and demented from working all afternoon and evening I have compiled a shortlist of my favourite soups:

  1. Brocolli and stilton: amazing, with extra cheese and bacon and cheese on toast - cheeeeese fest!
  2. Witches brew: pumpkin and tomato with beans and rice. Delicious and lots of paprika
  3. Wild mushroom - Sally at Lucy Cross B and B in Yorkshire makes the best mushroom soup in the whole world.
  4. Spinach and nutmeg - nuff said, its good for u.
  5. Butternut squash and sweet potato - sweet and spicy
  6. Thai chicken (Tom kha kai) - light and lemongrassy
  7. Cream of chicken - classic and warm, nice in winter
  8. Miso soup - salty and good for a hangover
  9. Tomato soup - I like it with extra cream and garam masala (of which I have a large supply given to me every time i go home and add to everything)
  10. Bouillabaise - strictly speaking not a soup but too good to miss off.

Soup of love

Anyone who knows me well enough knows Im devoted to Covent Garden soups. But yesterday I bought their soup of the month; Witches Brew and it blew the others away. Its a smoky pumpkin and sweet tomato soup with black eye beans, sweetcorn and rice.
BUT (a sad sad sad but) its only available for 1 month. So ill have to learn how to make it myself.
Unbeknownst to me you can actually freeze covent garden soups - this is amazing news to which i bounced around the kitchen. Im going to create a stockpile of soup in the freezer! :D

Buy while u can! This soup is amazing!!

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Be lazy when work strikes

So much to do - private study on colostrum, write up necrosis, extra reading on the cvs, go food shopping, laundry, go to the gym - what do i do? What do I do? (at this point im running round the flat in a flap, arms waving about headless chicken style)

Sat back down in confusion and dementedness just staring blankly into space.

Finally, I decided to do none of these things and have a hot chocolate and watch iplayer. The best option of course.

The Tuesday

After a seminar with my personal tutor and idol Mr. Ashworth, who sidetracked to the extent that everybody ended up talking about the X-factor, I had a slightly annoying afternoon.

This because I've been a bit of an idiot regarding my PIN for the english card, I thought that I knew it already, but have actually managed to type in the wrong PIN more than 3 times, resulting in the bank freezing my account alltogether. This is even more frustrating considering I got money today on the card, and I have the card in my wallet, only it's completely useless at the moment because of this PIN problem.

Hopefully Natwest will sort this out tomorrow by unlocking the card, and if so they wont have to see the strange foreign man who's already been there about 5 times anymore. Seriously, I should make friends with some bankers, some already seem to know me since they have remembered my name...

The night has been devoted to studying the first crusade, the reasons behind it, as well as analysing the council of Clermont in 1095. Havent't done as much reading as I did before the Charlemagne seminar, but I feel confident and it should go well tomorrow at the seminar.

Oh, I also got more or less forced into one of my loud neighbours room, where I had a beer and witnessed the people getting intoxicated from flaming Sambuca, and then finishing up by dancing to House music classics from the 90s and 00s. Even though they are people I dont have too much in common with and I wouldnt stand them for longer periods at a time, I still find the guys social, funny and alright for shorter periods of time. I think their night took a turn for the worse though, as I heard girls shouting and crying, possibly some guy getting smacked also, wonder how this will effect future relations between the girls and the boys...


Tuesday 27 October 2009

A very long and productive day with cheeeeeeeeese

Since an unfortunate incident where i almost fell asleep whilst using a microscope, Ive had a quite productive afternoon tackling practical work, pathology and cardiovascular physiology as well as cleaning my room and some yoga.

Memorably I had a riot of cheese for lunch - brocolli and stilton soup with extra cheese and cheese on toast. Is there such a thing as too much cheese? I dont think so! I am a cheeeeeeeeeese mouse

I am now too tired to function and must away to bed. With iplayer and 4OD and will watch crap tv - more work 2moro and going to the gym.

Marry Me Guy

Thank you so so so much Guy for helping me through the scary world of student finance - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday 26 October 2009

And over

Now Ill introduce myself as the other half of the other two. Im Kiran and that was Martin (my boyfriend). I was just excavating the remnants of beef in black bean sauce which Martin had left in my room for the WHOLE day. Thanks. (You also left a bottle of chilli sauce)

I live in Camden Town, London and am training to be a vet (with mixed often interesting results), currently in my third year at the Royal Vet College. I work about a billion hours more than Martin and usually spend holidays going to places untouched by civilisation and the mobile phone. But it gets me out of the house. Unfortunately Im no female Olof. I leave that to Martin. And I am not Swedish.

(By the way he actually looks like this)

My response to previous entry.

For starters, I am very smart and good looking, in fact I think I'd look like this man if I had stubbles! -->

Yes, thats right, I like Olof Mellberg and he is Swedish, just like me, Martin.

I study history at the university of Liverpool and have been living in the UK since September 2009. Ill be living in Liverpool till 2012 when I graduate, and after that well see where it goes, hopefully everything wont just come to an end in December that year, as the Maya people thought and weird old men in modern times seem to think. I guess there are worse times to perish though, since if the world would end then, I would not have to pay back student debt or have agony over finding a job!

Anyhows, so this is me presenting myself a bit more than in last entry, and The Other Two is the name of our blog.

P.S. -Kiran came up with the name, but we both agreed on having it and it orginally comes from the name of a small side project that two of the members of the music group New Order had in the 90s.

Entry number 2

As the more technical, better looking and funny half of this relationship - I came up with this idea obviously and the name. Hello. This blog will based in Liverpool and London and will be a mixture of posts from us both. Martin will probably introduce himself shortly.

I did the first post!!!!

Hello, so this is our blog and I Martin did the first post hehehe wow, im technological now, have never had a blog before...

Anyhows, Ill talk more soon cya!