Monday 25 January 2010

Who has that much to do really?

Got woken at 6.30am this morning by Guy. Heard his alarm go and saw lights in the hallway switch on and off. Seriously. We are not in till 10 today. When asked, apparently he has a lot to do. He also doesnt sleep till 1 or 2 in the morning. No one has that much to do. Irritating little fool.

Friday 22 January 2010

This week

This week has been busy busy - with my first Swedish lesson and Soas cricket meeting and drinks and seeing old and new friends. Uni has been non stop too with back to back work and Ive found I scored a (disappointing to me) 63% on the exam. Next week I have my first driving lesson in about 2 years with instructor Jimmy - motivational slogan "Any idiot can drive - look how full the roads are". I can tell its going to be an interesting experience for me, especially as I dont like being told what to do.

my dream car

I tried to fit in going to the gym but rejected the idea when I realised it was pointless in light of the rubbish I had eaten during the day (for the record - 6 oreos, a packet of double chocolate marylands, 3 chocolate teacakes and 2 large pies). In my defence that was an especially difficult day with 3 hours of reproduction and oestrous.

Right now Im awake too early on friday, watching Mad men on Dvd. How good is that series though? Im in love with Joan Holloway. Hot stuff ^^

Monday 18 January 2010

One more resolution..

....Drink less tea. I must have had 5 cups yesterday, that can't be good. Need to get away from "I MUST HAVE TEA NOW, I NEED TEA, I'VE DONE 5 MINUTES OF WORK - GIVE ME TEA!!"

Sunday 17 January 2010

Sports gripe

Looking at on sports directs sale- hmmm... Chavs really are the worst thing to have happened to decent sportswear. I have never seen such bad trainers. Black and hot pink? Neon green and white? And why do cricket whites only come in mens sizes? I may have to brave Chav Central (Sports direct Camden) and go in, in person.

The most funny article

A Birmingham radio DJ discovered hell hath no fury like a woman scorned after his wife sold his £25,000 luxury sports car on the internet for 50p.

Tim Shaw's wife, Hayley, put the Lotus Espirit Turbo on eBay after her husband propositioned glamour model Jodie Marsh live on-air on his Kerrang! FM show

Mrs Shaw, 27, said the flirtatious interview had been the "last straw" in their relationship.

The car sold within minutes of it being posted on the internet site.

Mr Shaw upset his wife when he announced over the air that he would leave her and their two young children for Ms Marsh.

The item description for the car on eBay read: "I need to get rid of this car immediately - ideally in the next two to three hours before my husband gets home to find it gone and all his belongings in the street."

Mrs Shaw, who admitted she had sold the car after a few drinks, said: "When he said he would leave me and the kids for Jodie Marsh, that was it for me.

"I am sick of him disrespecting me and this family for the sake of his art. I didn't care about the money, I just wanted to get him back."

Mercy dash

She added: "There is no hope for a reconciliation. There have been a few things but this was the last straw."

The controversial DJ was suspended from the Birmingham-based Kerrang station after he broke into programme director Andrew Jeffries house during a live prank in which he caused damage to the property.

On another occasion at the station he choked on a sausage while simulating a sex act and he has been investigated in the past for pretending he was doing a live mercy dash to rescue a suicidal listener while working at Birmingham's BRMB station.

Mr Shaw was unavailable for comment but a spokesperson said: "We are not going to make any comment on what happened as this is a personal issue and not work-related."

A post dedicated to one of things i love most..

Baked potatoes. I love potatoes - here is my shortlist for top toppings/ fillings for a good baked potato.

For it to be a real baked potato it must be baked or finished in an oven.

  • Salsa (preferably chilled)
  • Chilli, grated cheese, and a bit of chopped onion
  • Plain yogurt, coriander and diced cucumber and/or red onion
  • Sautéed mushrooms
  • Cheese and beans
  • Curry
  • Tinned ravioli
  • Bacon, sour cream and cheeses
  • Chilli con carne
  • Brie, Stilton or grated mature Cheddar
  • Butter with black onion seeds and a little salt
  • Slices of smoked sausage
  • Video of the day

    Saturday 16 January 2010

    Relationship advice

    I just had the best piece of advice from Guy - he asked what Martin was doing at uni, I said I spoke to him earlier and I had no idea what he was up to. From this I can surmise that both of us take in very little about the others chosen careers. From this afternoons conversation he said something about Charlemagne and other similar dead people and I babbled erratically about different types of exudate in acute and subacute inflammations. Therefore, it would be just as productive to talk to a wall, a bear or a chair and save on money on the phone bill.

    I have decided to use my pingvin teddy as my substitute boyfriend - hes small, cute, warm in bed and possibly more intelligent than Martin (also doesnt answer back or mock me)- what more could I need?

    What do we both have in common really? Scientist/ historian? Swedish/ English? Cricket/ football? Climbing/ martial arts? No shared interests - hmmm....I have my pingvin.

    Feeling better

    Much more productive today
    Am going through lectures in depth
    Have paid my phone bill and am now watching a programme called "The Root of All Evil? - The God Delusion" Its about the opposition between science and religion. Presented by Richard Dawkins who writes well about philosophy and religion but I find his scientific writing patronising and inaccesible.

    Friday 15 January 2010

    Uhh Sick

    Last night I hallucinated mice running across my floor - suprisingly life like mice with whiskers, legs and noses.

    Thursday 14 January 2010

    New dress

    Bought off ebay. :) Deep mustard yellow/ ochre colour. Me happy :)

    In love...still

    *sigh* I wish it was 1944

    Is in Love - but sick

    At the moment I am sick and miserable in bed, I have no idea what it is that Im sick with - something extremely unpleasant I think - but I am extremely grateful for Martin leaving the DVD of Torment (1944) here in London.

    I think Im in love with Alf Kjellin. Its a real shame men dont look like him anymore. I also think that there is nothing wrong with the name Jan-Erik.

    Ive been on a bit of a DVD buying streak at the moment and have True Blood, How I met your mother and Mad men sets in my collection. Plus a few very cheap Bergman classics on which I am now hooked off Amazon.

    Monday 11 January 2010

    Monday 4 January 2010

    And the Swedish word for the day is....


    Which is what I seem to have become over the course of the day. I have cleaned every inch of the appartment from top to bottom. Worst of all its not my place - yet I still felt a compulsion to sanitise it. We are back to England in 2 days and it makes me a little sad. Back to working and stressing. Sigh, and not seeing Martin so regurlarly. Hopefully the next set of holidays will come round as quickly as Christmas did.

    Now he has gone out to see weirdo Simon and shy Christoffer but he'll be cooking later on - pork chops and gouda. I intend seriously work on my mission to become a Svenska Hollywoodfruar and do nothing for the rest of today. Maybe some light reading and internet window shopping. I Feel so lazy though. Meh never mind, I deserve some lazyness in my life. Think of Anna Anka and do nothing ^^.

    Sunday 3 January 2010

    I am watching Swedish Hollywood Wives. Oh dear...I have reached a new low.

    Kiran will be learning Swedish as of 19th January ^^

    In order to a) assimilate better, b) Take a new challenge, c) Learn my 6th language and d) perhaps most importantly annoy Martin I have signed up to language classes in Victoria, London. Im really loking forward to a new challenge.

    Course Content
    for Module 1 (10 x 2 hours)
    Topics: Greetings, personal introduction, numbers, countries, languages, nationalities, weather, telling the time, daily routines, weekdays
    Functions: Introducing oneself and others, giving and asking for information, talking about the weather, talking about your daily routine
    Grammar: The alphabet, indefinite and definite articles, word order, personal pronouns, verbs in the present tense, prepositions of time, sentences with negations, translating "it", pronunciation and stress.

    After 2 more modules of beginner I can move to intermediate and advanced of CEFR

    Plus its pretty useful and quite cool to be able to speak Swedish.
    Im a big advocate for making my own changes and in the past year I suffered through not allowing myself to do what I really wanted to. I think it will benefit me not to be constantly surrounded by vets and to take things i want to do further. The only other course apart from this I want to enrol for is the rock climbing course in Swiss Cottage. Yaaaay, an exciting, independent year ahead I think.

    I blog from the bed..hi. ^^

    Saturday 2 January 2010

    God loves everyone...even ginger kids

    After staying awake a bit too long last night Martin and I went onto the website and the result was

    I think this is terrifiying - where has the ginger hair and that massive forehead come from?? This child has not inherited any of my features at all. Plus his eyes are too close together.

    Better but those teeth need surgery.
    No words necessary.

    You would hope considering that Martin and I are not hideously unattractive we would produce normal looking children.

    Friday 1 January 2010

    New years resolutions

    1. Be nicer to people even those I dont like very much.
    2. Get rid of toxic friends (people I cant stand and do nothing for me) hence, be more selfish
    3. Concentrate on work and revise more effectively.
    4. Complete essay for endocrinology society prize.
    5. Complete applications for intercalate
    6. Be a better auntie to both nieces in England, and those on the other side of the water
    7. Take care of appearance -Remember to get eyebrows threaded more often; Keep hair short (no more long hair) and dress better.
    8. Do things I enjoy more often - reading, drawing, listening to music, shopping
    9. Take climbing course, go to the gym more as well
    10. Learn Swedish properly (Already booked on a course for january)
    11. Start up ladies cricket league in London
    12. Become editor of uni magazine
    13. Book trip to America to see Mathilda, Malin and Jonas.
    14. Travel in Europe more.
    15. Get a guinea pig

    New year 2010

    So, here we are on the other side of 2009. Unfortunately with all the here and there-ing and to-ing and fro-ing the blog has been somewhat hard to sustain. But now Im back and hope to make up for the non existence with a couple of posts. Martin has a few pictures from Christmas so hopefully those will go up and that'll explain Christmas in Sweden. As soon as his camera is retrieved from the abyss.

    Last night was New Years eve and it was great, though predictably I was the only girl there (therefore, my new years outfit was wasted on the company present). As per usual I was dragged off to a 'man party' involving too much drinking, playing tekken and bonecrushing man hugs. I even got a kiss off John which was pretty bizzarre. Weirder than this was my first taste of snus. Needless to say I did not like it, it stung my mouth - I am not much of a smoker and I am even less of a snuser. We woke up quite late and hungover (well Martin was) but he was gentlemanly enough to buy pizza, coke, grill chips and dip. Thus making him the best boyfriend in the whole world. He is though, I probably dont say it enough, even though at the moment he is glued to the tv watching Ivanhoe.