Friday 22 January 2010

This week

This week has been busy busy - with my first Swedish lesson and Soas cricket meeting and drinks and seeing old and new friends. Uni has been non stop too with back to back work and Ive found I scored a (disappointing to me) 63% on the exam. Next week I have my first driving lesson in about 2 years with instructor Jimmy - motivational slogan "Any idiot can drive - look how full the roads are". I can tell its going to be an interesting experience for me, especially as I dont like being told what to do.

my dream car

I tried to fit in going to the gym but rejected the idea when I realised it was pointless in light of the rubbish I had eaten during the day (for the record - 6 oreos, a packet of double chocolate marylands, 3 chocolate teacakes and 2 large pies). In my defence that was an especially difficult day with 3 hours of reproduction and oestrous.

Right now Im awake too early on friday, watching Mad men on Dvd. How good is that series though? Im in love with Joan Holloway. Hot stuff ^^

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