Friday 1 January 2010

New year 2010

So, here we are on the other side of 2009. Unfortunately with all the here and there-ing and to-ing and fro-ing the blog has been somewhat hard to sustain. But now Im back and hope to make up for the non existence with a couple of posts. Martin has a few pictures from Christmas so hopefully those will go up and that'll explain Christmas in Sweden. As soon as his camera is retrieved from the abyss.

Last night was New Years eve and it was great, though predictably I was the only girl there (therefore, my new years outfit was wasted on the company present). As per usual I was dragged off to a 'man party' involving too much drinking, playing tekken and bonecrushing man hugs. I even got a kiss off John which was pretty bizzarre. Weirder than this was my first taste of snus. Needless to say I did not like it, it stung my mouth - I am not much of a smoker and I am even less of a snuser. We woke up quite late and hungover (well Martin was) but he was gentlemanly enough to buy pizza, coke, grill chips and dip. Thus making him the best boyfriend in the whole world. He is though, I probably dont say it enough, even though at the moment he is glued to the tv watching Ivanhoe.

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