Monday 30 November 2009

Looking at Christmas

Managed to get all of the heart lectures done today. :) Now Im really really tired. But Ive had the chance to look at xmas stuff and plan what to get people. Which makes me happy.

I was hoping Martin and I could have a mini Christmas before Sweden. Have been looking at a few things to decorate my room for the small celebration. Hope its not too traditional ^^.

Monday morning

Martin gone back to Liverpool. But I have an electric fan heater now and tea supplies - never want to leave my room again ^^. This morning we discovered that the Great Hall has flooded rendering all lectures cancelled until further notice. Great- and when will we do them exactly? Precis. But back to work and iplayer.


Sunday 29 November 2009

The Desk (Part 3)

The finished desk

And the Angry carpenter

The Desk (Part 2)

Almost finished!

Saturday 28 November 2009

The desk (Part 1)

Martin is currently fixing a desk for me. I am not allowed to help. I must pass screwdrivers and bolts and supervise only.

Friday 27 November 2009

Must go to bed now. Why arent I tired? Need to be up early to revise. Horrible day tomorrow. 3 Lectures and a Directed Learning and more revision afterwards. I bought a new mop for the kitchen today.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Potential tattoo?

Could this be a potential tattoo? ^^ Ive always wanted a really silly one.

Revising revising

Add Image Whilst revising in my room I become more aware of practical considerations. Ive been revising hunched over on the floor for a good few hours. This has led to carpet burns and a bad back ache. I think its time to invest in a desk. And whilst my big strong man is here, he can carry it home for me maybe? ^^

Whilst looking at the practical I have also been seduced by the ridiculous. USB cup warmer and USB powered mini fridge.

This is Pingvin

This is Pingvin. Martin bought him because he is a bed warmer and because he is an interesting animal. I have a very cold flat and Pingvin helps warm up my bed. He is named after the hospital porter in Riget who transforms himself into a Pingvin to escape danger (inspired by Pingu). Pingvin and I are going to bed now. Nightsie - puss xx

Wednesday 25 November 2009

The strangest thing...

A while ago, at a house party at our flat, I stepped on a sharp object. I felt it go into my foot. I was a little drunk at the time and I wrote it off as a random occurence and that if it was a splinter it would somehow come away by itself. This was 2 months ago. Today I was looking at my small toe and thinking its a strange colour. It was quite swollen. I thought it could lance it with a sharp sterilised needle and remove anything purulent. (Yes I know, its a bizzare thing to want to do, but vets have a weird fascination with self diagnosis, self treatment and anything disgusting). Plus as a result of spending a month on pathology I thought I could implement some teaching in action as part of my revision. You know, that might be dry gangrene preceeded by liquefactive necrosis.

Anyway I lanced it with a needle Id sterilised in a flame and saw some pus come away. As some of the tissue on my toe was dead i thought i would try and remove as much of it as p
ossible. As i removed more I saw something dark underneath some of the lower tissue. I made a further incision and the thing stuck in my foot came out quite easily. It was a metal pin, the kind you use to stick things onto walls without its head. About a centimetre long. Gross and weird.

Tomorrow or Friday Ill go to the Liverpool Street drop in NHS clinic and get my foot checked and hopefully get some antibiotics.

The world is my teapot

Have now finished work - I was actually starting to fall asleep backwards. All in all today has been productive - a solid 9 and a 1/2 hours is not bad at all, with more than half of the cardiovascular stuff covered.

Now Im going to relax for a few hours before bed. Blogging, maybe some tea (blackberry is a favourite at the moment), watch some 4OD, music? and read the Satanic Verses again. Ive been looking forward to this all day. Maybe squeeze in some internet shopping. Well I call it internet shopping, you will probly call it putting loads of items in your e-basket and then running off without paying for them. The eqivalent of going 'naaaah Ive changed my mind" at the counter. ^^ The world is now my teapot.

Help meh

Revising in my room and listening to Joy Division. Wearing RVC Hoodie - so this is how its going to be from now on? huh? I want my life back please. (sob)

Tuesday 24 November 2009

New pet possibly?

Today Vicki brought in one of her rats so that she could take it to Beaumont to be "de-ladded" (her words not mine). And it was adorable, friendly, cute and spent time licking my fingers. Maybe its a possible pet for me in the flat? What with the space constraints and lack of time etc... The one is the picture is a Dumbo rat.

A happy Kiran

I am the happiest person ever today - I found a website selling egg replacement products. Ive now ordered whole egg replacer for baking, an eggless omelette and scramble mix and egg free mayonaise. ^^

Not only that but I start at 12 tomorrow. Wow happy days.

In celebration of this I am putting off work till 5pm and having celebratory tea.
PS - I am even happier now - Ive just found out that my student loan has been approved and just needs signing!!! *Bounce bounce bounce* PARTY TIME!!!

Food shopping

Ive just returned from a Sainsburys restocking mission and managed to buy plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit along with enough main meals, lunches and breakfasts for the whole week. For just under £25. Im proud and I think Ive done well. But considering ive been doing this for about 8 years (3 of those at uni). Most of the things Ive bought were from the basics range. You can get amazing things like brie cheese, cranberries, cream cheese, smoked salmon, chocolate tea cakes for brilliant prices. I love the idea that you can buy 'luxury' items and there isnt any difference between those and the expensive products. Even though Im a poor student I wont sacrifice food. Even my grandma has said she'll send me money if Im ever short on food.

Anyway with my lovely finds today I plan to make the following over the week:
  • Sweet pepper and pancetta pizza
  • Cherry tomato tarte tatin with sauteed potatoes and spinach
  • Roasted vegetable canneloni with cheese and spinach sauce
  • Lasagne
Certain luxuries I cant do without
  • Triple chocolate ice cream
  • Lindt chilli chocolate
  • Girly magazines
  • (German white wine- when I can afford it)
  • Cookies
I like to plan what Im going to cook at the begining of the week so I can plan what to buy and fit my food to budget. I usually food shop early in the week on a Tuesday or Wednesday when I get an afternoon off. Then I buy enough to last the week. When I have someone strong enough to bully then I stock up on tinned goods and heavy items like potatoes and onions.
Im awake! And ive already cleaned my room. Have to go to Sainsburys later on - I hope today will be productive. :)

Monday 23 November 2009

A week of being 20 and German east Africa

There has been some lovely 2 weeks that me and Kiran spent together, during which she had time to attend one of my lectures as a secret guest, thereby witnessing one of my stereotypical history lecturers burst out singing the internationale in Russian in front of 200 people.

We also went to Birmingham to see Eddie Izzard, and while the man is not in the same form as in the 90s, he still packs a punch for sure.

In the evening of my birthday there was a dress up party, and I went believe it or not, as a Cardinal. Dont think Ive ever baptized that many strangers in my life before, havent baptized anyone at all before actually.I got really nice gifts, the highlight being the huge inflatable beer cooler, now that has to come to effective use soon, Thank you cutie x!

Oh, and Ive finished my work on the presentation about German east Africa during the First World War, due tomorrow at 1.

Student loan, student loan, does whatever a student loan does ...

Hi... So now Im back in London after a few nice yet busy days in Liverpool. The back to the future marathon on saturday night was epic and we rolled out some time after 4am. Good times. Unfortunately I didnt get back home till past midnight yesterday and after a crap nights sleep I am exhausted and fit for blogging and not much else. Somehow I still managed to waffle my way through the cardiorespiratory ISF.

I did some truffle shuffling though and have got 2 new t-shirts and a dress and have my eyes on a couple more which Ive reserved. Plus Ive seen something that'll be perfect for Martin's Christmas present. ^^

Ps the student loan should be on its way...Come to me lovely money and we'll go shopping together. Just you and me.

And yes I know I have a weird obsession with geeky t-shirts - I already have Spongebob, Princess Leia and Depeche Mode ones (Amongst many others)

Friday 20 November 2009

Eddie Izzard

Went to see him as a birthday treat for Martin in Birmingham. He was amazing. Now we must get our 'cake or death' t-shirts!

The gingerbread latte eludes me

Over the past week I have been desperate to try the Costas Christmas Gingerbread latte. And yet every time I try it just doesnt happen - come to me my coffee and gingerbread liquid of niceness

Massive studying period over

Martin has finished his essay on Trench Warfare and Ive finished my 3 day assault on pathology. Maybe its time to have some fun? (At least when he wakes up!)

Lots of love

Monday 16 November 2009


Arrrrrrgh I am so angry. I hate the people Martin lives with so much - it makes me so furious. The people are so rude and loud and messy. And so disrespectful.

Exhibit A
On first meeting me late at night the very slutty girls made some very catty remarks.
"I bet shes not really your girlfriend, she told us she only seduced you tonight". Yeah like I would talk to them, I never even met them before. This is what they said the first time they met me. Just deliberately trying to stir up trouble. Well done Martin for telling them to go to the gym to lose the extra kilos.

Exhibit B
Mr Canada. An interesting enigmatic individual who lives next door to Martin. Firstly suggesting to Martin that he looks into dating websites to find himself a girl. On finding he does have a girlfriend asking whether he is faithful and how he manages it. This individual did have a girlfriend at one point but I believe they have split up now. Lucky escape for her I think.

Exhibit C
Refusing to learn Martins name - His name IS NOT Sweden.

Exhibit D
General loudness and messyness at all hours of the day and night. Bouncing a basketball against his door. I will pop that ball if I ever get my hands on it. Also bedhopping constantly - I dont think they ever go to sleep in their own rooms twice in a row.

I understand this may sound very unreasonable. I was once a fresher and very loud. But I knew what the limits were and I respected other people. It was helped by the fact that everyone I lived with was on the same course. But when you live with different people doing different things you have to respect them needing sleep and having to wake up early and make an effort not to disturb them too badly. For Martin I have promised to be on my best behaviour and not say anything to this classless bunch. I know he has to live there. But it just makes me so angry to see him treated so badly by people who clearly arent worth one tenth of him. I will try to keep my temper in check. Honest. But I would like to make it clear - no one messes with anyone I care about.
Guinea pig jumper £45:

teeheehe me want!
And shoes ^^ (obviously)

Birthday balloon extravaganza

Poetry in motion

Observe if you will, this male individual. It is not Halloween nor is he moonlighting for the clan. He is attempting to change his bed sheets. Unfortunately he is unable to determine how this complex system works as allegedly this is different in Sweden. Shortly after this I had to intervene and change the sheets for him. It is frightening indeed to consider that this man lives alone and studies abroad, pays bills, is an uncle to four children. AND YET bedsheets are alien to him.

Sunday 15 November 2009

Martin's birthday

Happy 20th birthday to my wonderful boyfriend. Made him a special birthday playlist and filled the room with balloons - a little childish I know. Soon present time! Love u very much xxxxRemove formatting from selection

Saturday 14 November 2009

Last night

Martin is a very poor correspondent and Ill elaborate further on last night. We went to see Men who stare at goats, which I thought was very good and intelligent; Martin thought the plot was a little weak. This isnt just because I like goats. But I liked the use of goats as a symbol of the innocents in war.

Afterwards, we went to a Latin American restaurant called Las Iguanas at Liverpool one. It had an amazing atmosphere and a full mural picture of Rio and sugar loaf mountain along one wall. It was small and cosy with lots of red lighting and a nice spanish bar. I had a classic mojito and Martin had a Brahma beer. (I know there is a happy hour with buy one get one free on cocktails at some point during the day). We had totopos with sour cream to start and then chicken enchiladas and beef steak burrito. The food was amazing and very well priced. Missed desert though but I didnt have room for it anyway. One of the best restaurants I have ever been to.

The walk along the dockside was very romantic and extremely windy. Ihad hair like an afro afterwards. :)