Wednesday 4 November 2009

Still sick

I write from my freezing cold room in Camden where I am STILL suffering with the flu. :( I have missed lectures, going to the gym and climbing grrrrrr. I should be able to catch up with lectures pretty easily and ill go to the gym 2moro and workout on the bikes/ cross trainer. Climbing on monday/ tuesday hopefully. But I am so damn bored and tired. Feeling a little better but still feeling crappy. I have a lot of plans for the weekend and want to feel better soon.

Friday - Martin here, cinema maybe; see Hannah at Hawkshead
Saturday - Shopping for Malin's baby, Gourmet burger date, Martins suprise? (whatever that may be?) Hawkshead again?
Sunday - Gym/ running, Meet Pindy for coffee/ shopping?
Monday - going climbing at Swiss Cottage (Martin do u want to come with me? Go on itll be fun)

Hate being sick - Im too busy to be sick.

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